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Work with Cépage
We offer a number of services to the restaurant trade, and love working with a variety of restaurants throughout the UK. Please email if you would like to receive a trade list. We’d be delighted to hear from you.
Our wines are listed at:
Climat (MCR)
Örme (MCR)
Mana 1* (MCR)
Pine 1* (Northumberland)
Pied á Terre 1* (LDN)
Noble Rot (LDN)
Silo (Green *) (LDN)
Lower Wine Bar (LDN)
Strakers (LDN)
Maison François (LDN)
Cloth (LDN)
Store Stoke Mill 1* (NFK)
Nord (LPL)
Manifest (LPL)
Ropes and Twines (LPL)
Wild Shropshire (Green *) (SHRP)
La Popote (CHS)
Hanson at The Chelsea (SWN)
AWRS: XKAW00000118735
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